About Badatz Maor Hakashrut
Badatz Maor Hakashrut is a Vaad Hakashrut (association charged to oversee and maintain kosher quality standards) founded by Hagaon Rabbi Yisrael Meir Levinger, former Chief Rabbi of Basel, Switzerland, and an acclaimed international expert on all topics related to kashrus; Hagaon Rabbi Yisrael Meir Goelman, Rav in Kehillas Shaarei Tevunah in Ramot, Jerusalem; and Rabbi Yehuda Shereshevksy, a brilliant chemist and Torah scholar with extensive knowledge of kashrut and Halachah. Maor Hakashrut boasts a talented staff of dozens of trained, certified, and experienced mashgichim and kashrut supervisors. Each member of the Vaad Hakashrut Directorate brings his realm of expertise to the field of kashrut, inviting consumers and factory-, store-, and business-owners the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of kosher products of the highest caliber.
At the helm of Badatz Maor Hakashrus is Hagaon Harav Yisrael Meir Levinger, shlit”a, an illustrious rabbi and Torah scholar with vast knowledge of Torah and profound understanding of all intricacies of Halachah, particularly in the realm of kashrut and shechitah. He is an acclaimed world expert on kashrut of fish. Rabbi Levinger has authored close to a dozen fascinating scholarly works on kashrus, as well as hundreds of brilliant, insightful articles on the topic.
Hagaon Harav Yisrael Goelman, shlit”a, is the esteemed Rav of Kehillas Shaarei Tevunah in Ramot. He is renowned as a distinguished Torah scholar with broad knowledge of Halachah, and he is the official Posek (Halachic authority) of Badatz Maor Hakashrut regarding any halachic question or doubt that arises.
Rabbi Yehuda Shereshevsky, shlit”a, chemist and Torah scholar, is the Director of the Raw Ingredients Department of Badatz Maor Hakashrut. Rabbi Shereshevsky has many years of expertise dealing with the kosher food industry and the numerous issues that arise regarding kosher products, vitamins, oils, and raw industrial ingredients. His extensive experience has proven invaluable to the Vaad Hakashrut and mashgichim in the course of resolving halachic issues and intricacies that occasionally arise.
Our Specialty
Badatz Maor Hakashrut Kosher Certification extends to a wide variety of kosher products and realms: Kosher oils and industrial ingredients; kosher oral hygiene products; kosher vitamins; kosher food supplements; kosher dairy products; and of course kosher restaurants and eateries, reception halls and establishments.
As one of the leading kashrut organizations in Europe and Israel, Badatz Maor Hakashrut's supervisors conduct frequent and recurring inspections on every product bearing our seal and certification in order to verify strict adherence to our kosher requirements and standards. For products that are complex to manufacture in their kosher version, the Vaad Hakashrut dispatches a representative to the factory or site in order to oversee the entire production process and ensure that the products are manufactured according to its impeccable standards.
Badatz Maor Hakashrut employs dozens of highly-skilled and certified mashgichim (kosher supervisors) to oversee that each establishment adheres to the Vaad Hakashrut's strict halachic and kosher guidelines. When concerns arise, and it is necessary to render a crucial decision regarding halachic status of a product, the supervisors and mashgichim consult with the Rabbinical Directorate of Badatz Maor Hakashrut.
In addition to guaranteeing premier kosher standards for all products and establishments under our certification, we are likewise committed to providing outstanding, immediate service to our clients along with a swift, courteous response to any questions or concerns regarding the kosher status of factories, restaurants, hotels, and raw ingredients. We invite you to appeal to any of our kosher supervisors or directly to Rabbi Shereshevsky, Director of the Raw Ingredients Department, with any question regarding kosher certification or raw ingredients.
Badatz Maor Hakashrut offers our clients the winning combination of superb kashrut standards and swift, efficient response to any question.
Our Vision
Badatz Maor Hakashrut is committed to providing consumers and importers with ingredients and products bearing the highest standards of kosher certification. Our foundational premises are reliability and integrity, and we proudly distinguish ourselves in our uncompromising professionalism, confidentiality, availability and support to our clients.
To date, the Badatz Maor Hakashrut seal appears on hundreds of kosher products and dozens of kosher factories and establishments both in Israel and around the world. We work in close cooperation with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to ensure kosher certification on a broad spectrum of products. Our wealth of knowledge and experience koshering factories, food establishments, products, and ingredients can support you, as well, in offering your customers products bearing superior kosher certification.